Nowadays online marketplaces are becoming full of bad clients. Who doesn’t want to earn from online? About every people want to earn from online doing freelancing. Day by day freelancing is becoming more popular. During this pandemic time, freelancing has become more valuable. Some kind of bad client takes this advantage. Their main target is new freelancers.
How bad clients apply their techniques?
First they post a low budget job in marketplace and search for new freelancers. Naturally new freelancers are always excited to earn dollar first time from online marketplace. They apply for that job with low price than the given price of the project. Seeing this, client accepts the proposal. Then when freelancer submit project, client gives revision several times. Sometimes they argue with freelancers that, the project is not done according to their instruction. Actually they like the work, but don’t want to pay. It’s their first technique.

Second technique is, they will pay you for that job and give you a nice review. Then they will post a job with a high budget and will invite that freelancer for that project. When freelancer submits the project, client wants revision several times. They will not pay for that project. Because they want free project but freelancer will not know about this. Sometimes freelancer contact in the support, but most of the case nothing happens. Because online marketplace authority always support to clients. They don’t want to miss their clients. Because clients are their assets. If clients don’t post job, then authority can’t earn from them.
So clients are their first priority. Getting good client is very difficult nowadays. If you get a good client, keep trying to work with him for long time. A good client is an asset. Try to give your best service to him. Maintain a good relationship with him. Besides work, you can ask details about him. Don’t try to be so much friendly at first time. Some clients don’t like this. They only know work and work. So be aware about this.